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Chase Plastics building new Indiana distribution center

By Frank Esposito
Published: November 18, 2014 11:13 am ET
Updated: November 18, 2014 2:26 pm ET

Image By: File photo
Kevin Chase

Resin distributor Chase Plastics will invest $5.4 million to build a new distribution center in South Bend, Ind.

The 125,000-square-foot center is expected to create 13 new jobs over the next 10 years. A dozen jobs also will transfer from Chase’s existing South Bend location, which will close when the new center opens. The Clarkston, Mich.-based firm has been leasing a 90,000-square-foot warehouse in South Bend for more than 20 years, company president Kevin Chase said.

South Bend Common Council approved two tax abatements for the project on Nov. 10 worth more than $550,000. Groundbreaking for the project most likely will occur in early 2015.

Chase Plastics considered two locations in Michigan before deciding to build in South Bend, Kevin Chase said. The 22-year-old firm distributes resins and compounds from more than 30 suppliers.

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