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Powder King shows off pulverizer
  By Bill Bregar
Published: November 6, 2014 8:19 am ET
Updated: November 6, 2014 8:21 am ET

ROSEMONT, ILL. — Powder King LLC showed a full-scale version of its PKA-18 laboratory-sized pulverizer at Rotoplas. The machine can produce 50 to 100 pounds of powder an hour.

Powder King developed the benchtop PKA pulverizer a decade ago, for running up to 50 pounds an hour.

But President Jim Hummel said demand has grown for a larger-output mill that does everything a production model can do, including screening particle sizes with a selected mesh.

Hummel said the higher-output PKA-18 can make powder for testing of new lots of resin, new materials, or new colors, and developing new products.

At Rotoplas, he said smaller and mid-sized rotational molders are doing more of their own pulverizing in-house. “We’ve got a lot of new business from rotomolders who have never ground before,” Hummel said.

Powder King is based in Anthem, Ariz.

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